Robusta Orchestrator
Robusta Orchestrator
Centralized Deployment And Management Of Robots
A Powerful Manager For Digital Workforces Of All Sizes
Robusta Orchestrator governs the deployment, management and monitoring of RPA operations.
Reaching the full potential of RPA with robots scaled across many parts of the organization requires centralized control over their deployment and management. The Robusta Orchestrator governs the deployment, management and monitoring of RPA operations.
From the management UI, administrators can audit and monitor robot activities, schedule when robots run and publish robots with REST web service interfaces so they can be called by other enterprise applications or a workflow. Administrators also have full control over managing user roles, which allows secure, granular control over robot projects, access rights and the viewing of data.
From the management UI, administrators can audit and monitor robot activities, schedule when robots run and publish robots with REST web service interfaces so they can be called by other enterprise applications or a workflow. Administrators also have full control over managing user roles, which allows secure, granular control over robot projects, access rights and the viewing of data.