6 Advantages of RPA Healthcare

6 Advantages of RPA for Healthcare Organizations

6 Advantages of RPA for Healthcare Organizations

The healthcare industry is overloaded with high costs, stringent tight regulations, and complex compliance issues due to the global social and financial crises and pressures.

Decreasing costs is challenged by the drive to enhance the patient experience and comply with regulations that call for burdensome paperwork and reporting tasks. These issues can pressure business process management and provide high-quality patient care.

There is a high volume of repetitive processes and decisions based on available accurate data. Drawing up reports for physicians and prescription management, scheduling patient appointments, medical billing, payments, and insurance claims processing are some examples of repetitive tasks in healthcare organizations.

Here comes Robotic Process Automation (RPA) into play to speed up business processes and enable efficient systems relating to healthcare and enhance patient satisfaction.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a software solution that enables healthcare automation by simulating human activities performing a task on a workflow. The technology leverages software robots or bots to accomplish excessive amounts of repetitive tasks in a digital environment.

The Value of RPA in the Healthcare Industry

Various research reports have affirmed that more than 50% of the interactions will be automated through RPA in the next decade. In that event, healthcare and other industry players that fall behind the technology trends in healthcare automation will eventually suffer from business and finance challenges. Their customer experience and loyalty will decline, resulting in a loss of competitive advantage.

The key findings of the Deloitte Global RPA Survey indicate that organizations and businesses in various industries may achieve high-velocity change with RPA.

1. Saving Time and Costs

Gartner expects that by 2024, organizations will lower operational costs by 30% by combining hyper-automation technologies with redesigned operational processes.

By employing Robotic Process Automation solutions, healthcare institutions can easily automate various business processes such as managing new appointments, patients’ pre-arrivals and arrivals, billing, and insurance claims, which are low-margin and low-value activities taking a lot of time.

Deloitte reports that medical institutions could handle manual tasks 60% more rapidly by deploying RPA in healthcare while decreasing the related costs by up to 80%.

2. Elimination of Human Errors in Repetitive Tasks

According to the Institute for Robotic Process Automation & AI, professionals are more inclined to make at least 10 errors per 100 steps. Because humans do not want to execute repetitive tasks that get boring along the time, and they do them unwillingly.

When it comes to RPA bots, they do not get bored, eliminate errors as they are programmed to follow a particular action in a specific manner, and improve efficiency.

By implementing healthcare automation with RPA, tedious workflows are put on autopilot to be carried out faster and more accurately. In contrast, with RPA bots, healthcare professionals focus on patient care, not paperwork.

On the other hand, data analysis requires human intelligence, and RPA bots are no substitutes. Therefore, while bots are helpful for collecting, extracting, and processing data, analysis is the work of humans.

3. Improved Patient Experience

Leveraging Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Business Process Automation (BPA) in the healthcare industry improves service quality and patient experience.

Trouble-free patient appointment scheduling, bettered claims processing, and account settlements give room for handling customer needs and complaints with more care.

Automation also provides support for healthcare organizations by lifting the weight of manual tasks from the shoulders of healthcare workers so they can dedicate their efforts to effective business process management.

By adopting BPA and RPA in healthcare, institutions of all sizes in the healthcare industry can boost performance and drastically decrease operational errors and costs while enhancing the quality of service.

Thus, RPA is one of the technologies that is set to revolutionize the healthcare industry by offering many benefits to both healthcare providers and patients.

4. Increased Compliance

The healthcare industry is highly regulated, while the players in this industry are subject to a great variety of statutory compliances and regulations in each process.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) supports the generation of automated reports and helps in complying with third-party systems. RPA periodically delivers the necessary data and documents to third-party systems through role-based access. Consequently, RPA boosts performance and compliance with regulatory bodies by enabling high accuracy.

Medical organizations may lose reputation and profitability if they fail in ensuring compliance with legislative acts and standards related to patient health information management.

5. Data Accuracy

Numerous repetitive tasks, processes, and decisions, such as billing and claims processing, patient scheduling, drug registration, and reporting, count on the availability of accurate data in medical institutions. These are among the tasks that receive perfect outcomes through accurate data obtained by robotic process automation.

Healthcare automation eliminates human error tasks in the business processes of medical organizations, clinical settings, and others by reducing human error and ensuring task and output consistency. Medical institutions and organizations successfully put best practices in place that rely on accurate data.

6. Higher Quality Healthcare Service

The staff in medical organizations can focus on more valuable, patient-centered activities due to implementing RPA in healthcare. Consequently, dedicated professional care brings patient satisfaction.

By automating tasks that do not require human intelligence, the healthcare staff becomes available to focus on more complex and valuable activities related to patients. As a result, improved productivity of healthcare staff equals happier and healthier patients.

Wrap Up

In hospitals and healthcare institutions, there are various tedious and repetitive tasks such as scheduling patient appointments, handling client complaints, doing prescription registrations, settling accounts, managing claims, etc.

RPA technology will continue revolutionizing the healthcare industry thanks to its proven results in saving costs, time, and effort.
Deployment of RPA software robots in healthcare is an efficient manner of handling all industry-specific challenges and tasks.

Choose Robusta RPA to make the best use of BPM and RPA technologies in your digital transformation. Contact us now, and let’s schedule a demo today!